Tuesday, January 09, 2007

my new year's resolution.

8 January 2007. Monday. 1 noon.

Finally! After 7 days into the new year, I’ve made ONE resolution. Hahaha.. I don’t, NEVER, to be exact, made any resolutions before. Haha. Guess this one, hmmm… for my own peace also. My 2007 resolution – jeng jeng!!! STOP ARGUING WITH MY BOSS! Hahaha. really!! Since working here in May 06, my gudiness! Can practically argue every morning! But not the same case with my lady boss. Haha… she’s nice. Hmmmph my boss, can be soooooooooo sooooooo ‘loso’. can't stand him! Loso like duno wad like dat! And everytime, ended up, me storming out of the room! And bang the drawer! And still, not listening to whatever he had just said. I’m a very stubborn person. Very. So anyway, so far 8th day now, and I'm still handling it well. So happy of my ‘achievement’! haha!

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