siokkkkk, man!
ah, its already 1250am on 2 nov. how time flies (wen ur holidayin...)
anyway, yes ppl - i've joined the 'club'! haha... u just dun know how many msgs i got that welcomed me to 'the club'! hahah... so many tat it surprised me alot! weird! haha... (wad on earth is with 'the club' thingie? i rili wonder... haha)oki! #1: toking about car, I DROVE BIG CAR! hahah... big as in, CRV la. jiefu's CRV. hahaha. ok ok, mite not be sooo big deal for any of u, bt so far, this is the BIGGEST car i've driven =D siokkkk nyeerrrr... but has yet to bring this big babe out to kl. the furthest i go is only like, to the mamak at the nearby kedai. haha... ermmm, like 7 mins' away nia? hahaha... LOL. and then, tat day, not long aftr leaving klia, saw the very new Lancer baby. tsk tsk tsk. black one thim! ;-)#2: BIG apple!
the super yummie donuts in town! ahhhhh.... heaven! ok, tapaoed these home. nvr rili tried all the flavors wen we ate there, but as can be seen, ICEBERG is, to me, THE NICEST OF ALL! (nehh, the white ones - tats y 6 bijik! haha...) nice nice! someone, start a 'small BANANA' donut cafe in kuching liau. hahaha...oki. end of my siok stories. those who kept saying tat i owes write too long a post - i THINK i've 'repented'! hehe... dun u tink so? haahhaa. gota sleep liau. dead tired i am! gudnite!

Haha..i see you have tried Big Apple the way since you are in KL now....have you been to Pavilion somewhere in Bukit Bintang...heard there is one donut shop really nice name J.CO if you are a fans of DONUTS...keke better go get a bite!
Aiyo..I am going to die half la seeing all those yummy donuts! Haiya u...make me miss the dunkin donuts nia. I never tried Big Apple and I dont know got J.CO donuts at Pavilion! *crying* I THINK I SO GONNA MOVE TO KL LA!! CANNOT TAHAN AR!!
ah... eil, me goin to pav in a lil wile. wen im havin the donut, I'LL BE THINKING OF U. hahaha.. JK! hahaha... yalo, so unfair, kch ntg ntg punya!
lisa: gona try later. hehe... aih, duno got time to meet u ppl o not. hehe.. im gona go get a bite. see wich nicer.
LOL, i didn't read properly and thought you bought those from J.Co. I even told myself "No wonder the line at J.CO is sooo long!" They look almost the same, especially the one with the yellow thingy in the middle. You bought like 2 dozen donuts?? Too many for me to count! XD
How much does one Big Apple donut cost by the way? I heard that the ones at J.Co aren't that expensive and people buy them in the box loads. But then again, 'cheap' doesn't mean really cheap... it's just that people are getting richer (except me) or are willing to pay ALOT for good food.
usws: saw ur post on these donuts. u must have known the price oladi by nw. bt anwy, fyi ppl...
1 piece for RM2.
1 dozen for RM19.
(if im not wrong. and i tink that is the most 'bargain' one can get).
1 dozen, i duno how much, but...
2 dozen for RM34 plus minus? i cannot rili rmbr liau. hehe..
I PREFER BIG APPLE! haha.. not much of a diff, but i tink jco is more moist. but i prefer b.a. hehe...
1 dozen RM17
1 for RM2
i am not sure the exact price, but
i know i spent around RM70 for 3dozen or so.....
and i also know J.CO's is slightly more expensive than BIG APPLE's.
And yes, i do prefer BIG APPLE's too...J.CO's a bit too moist, and DONT TRY THE J.CO's Greentea donut, it's WEEEEEIIIIIIRRRRRDDD!!!
(in my tongue's opinion lah)
And, btw, somebody (as in ur jiefu, lindt) said that both are actually of the same MOTHER CO lah.....duh!
For both, buy tea or kopi,
get a FREE sugar-glazed donut,
which is very very yummy....
dont talk about donuts anymore la please.... i am dying for it. i bought dunkin donuts 1 dozen for rm18.90 a month ago at klcc. very nice. especially the one with filling inside.
oh ya, i thought creamy and moist is gonna taste nicer... *sigh* I WANT TO HAVE DONUTS FEAST!!!
haha.. yea, dun tok donuts anymore. me goin back liau, kenot eat liau. so dun kong donuts liau. end of story. til my next trip here... nyek!
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