Tuesday, December 18, 2007

part 1 - tears

part 1 of a series of *sad*hurt*emo* post...
(hehe, part 1! lets see if im rajin enuf to follow up with more la... =P lol~ its 145am and i still have some urgent works to kautim, so i cannot elaborate more tonite. hehe... and if u have NO idea wad my "msg" is supposed to mean, pls dont sms me asking me wads wrong. im halfdead gigeling here! haha... this is meant to create guilt-awareness in the party involved nia nia! ntg more, ntg less. hehehe... dun worry)


Anonymous said...


gingee said...

awww... thank lots lots eil. hehe... so nice. but its rili a tease nia. hehe...

cal81 said...

eh...mana part II? ... =p

gingee said...

YOU arrrr!!!!!

*sony.e kek-tiok til angry angry angkong here*